Ответ автора
от 22.10.2012 по статье Первичные водород и гелий – самый мощный источник энергии эволюции Земли, землетрясений и вулканических изверженийРегистрационный номер: 0291.02
Авторы: доктор наук Гилат Арье (Лев), Израиль, доктор наук Вол Александр, Израиль
Уважаемые д-р Электрон Добрускин и проф. Вячеслав Фоменко!
У нас есть хороший повод сказать Вам спасибо: статью о дегазации водорода и гелия как о мощнейшем источнике энергии Земли, опубликованную на ЭНС , прочли два выдающихся геолога из МГУ, академики. Заинтересовались. Прочли и нашу базисную статью 2005 г. Порекомендовали написать статью для нового журнала "Geoscience Frontiers", выходящего в гигантской сети научных журналов Elsevier, где она уже напечатана и доступна в электронном варианте (первая страница с эл. адресами и абстрактом прилагается). Мы сейчас продолжаем развивать это направление.
В этой связи ещё раз выражаем благодарность В. Фоменко, который оказал нам существенную методическую помощь по структуре статьи, форме подачи материала и акцентированию «изюминок» и новизны предлагаемой нами теории.
Будем признательны, если редакция разместит здесь указанную страницу из "Geoscience Frontiers", Если у кого-либо из читателей возникнут проблемы с открытием статьи, мы просим их сообщить нам об этом по адресу levgilat@gmail.com и мы вышлем ему статью по электронному адресу.
Еще раз спасибо.
Author's personal copy
Degassing of primordial hydrogen and helium as the
major energy source for internal terrestrial processes
Arie Lev Gilat a,*, Alexander Vol b
a Geological Survey of Israel (Ret.), 6/2 Shoshan Tsahor St., Modi’in 71705, Israel
b Oshadi Drug Administration Ltd, P.O. Box 2042, Rehovot 76120, Israel
Received 27 January 2012; received in revised form 14 March 2012; accepted 31 March 2012
Available online 18 April 2012
Abstract Examples of the mightiest energy releases by great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and
hypotheses providing explanations for them are analyzed along with the results of some recently published
researches and visualizations. The emerging conclusions are that the mechanism of the strong
earthquake is a chemical explosion; that volcanic eruption is a special type of earthquake wherein the
hypocenter rises to the earth-surface; and that there is an association between the seismic-volcanic
processes and mantle “fluids” and the lack of energy for mantle plumes. A conceptual system of hypotheses
is put forward to explain the conservation of energy during Earth’s accretion, its quasi-stable release
by primordial H- and He-degassing and of the crucial role of the energy of degassing-comprisingreactions
in endogenic processes. Specific mechanisms and chemical processes are proposed for the
gas-liquid mantle plumes melting through the solid mantle using heat-energy released in reactions of their
metamorphic and chemical transformation under gradual decrease of pressure and temperature; volcanic
gases are put forward as energy carriers. 3He performance as a unique measuring transformer correlative
to the internal heat flow was used for calculation of energy release by degassing; it equals to
5.12 _ 1020 J/yr, an amount of energy five-fold greater than the entire energy loss involved in earthquake
and volcanic activity. The hypotheses proposed are objectively testable.
ª 2012, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction: energy sources in geological
The inadequacy of numerous geological hypotheses trying to
explain endogenic processes of the Earth is based on their lack of
suitable energy-sources and energy-carriers (Gilat and Vol, 2005).
Terrestrial processes, such as internal heat-flux, hot-spots, platetectonics,
earthquakes and volcanic reactions are explained by
only two stable, major traditional sources of energy: decay of
radioactive elements (U, Th and others), and the heat from gravitational
compression and differentiation. Obviously, these sources
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 972 773211468, 972 50 8919347
(mobile); fax: 972 737278633.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.L. Gilat).
1674-9871 ª 2012, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking
University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Peer-review under responsibility of China University of Geosciences
Production and hosting by Elsevier
available at www.sciencedirect.com
China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/gsf
GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS 3(6) (2012) 911e921